Don’t let Sister Doubt and Brother Fear keep you from doing what God has ordained you to do. Trust God. He’ll go before you and prepare the path. Just like He did for the Israelite. Tweetvaso link
Vision Manna
Podcast: Episode 003 – How To Prevent Thistles And Thorns Of A Critical Spirit From Slowing Down Your Momentum
Get Free Get Clear Get Moving with The Vision Manifestation Queen Podcast Download MP3 | Itunes | Soundcloud Show Notes Do you have a Sandpaper Sally, Porcupine Patty, Horrible Harry or Jabbing Jimmy in your circle of friends, family, colleagues…
Podcast Episode 002: How to Release the Slimy Grimly Grips of Bitterness
Are you holding on to hurt like a wounded person would hold onto crutches in fear of falling and re-injuring themselves? Did you know that lingering hurt turns into bitterness? Bitterness can destroy a visionary’s ability to see clearly?…
Be Intentional. Boost Your Confidence.
Being Intentional Increases Your Confidence Level Have you heard the song by Travis Greene entitled “Intentional?” I love that song! I was reminded of this song when I began writing this post. The lyrics are so powerful. If you have…
Beware of Your External Influencers
My Grandmother Laura Bell owned a burgundy 77 Chevrolet and boy did she take good care of it. She loved that car so much she named it Betsy. One thing about Grandma Laura Bell, she was very particular about who…
Beware of Bottomless Pit Goals
Do you find yourself setting goal after goal and never achieving them? Have you achieved some of the goals but still feel that something is missing or that the satisfaction of achieving the goal was lacking? Recently I launched a…