
As a Christian therapist specializing in working with women and teen girls, I’ve encountered countless souls who struggle to recognize their true self-worth. Far too many women gauge their value using external measuring sticks—whether it’s social media likes, the status of their relationships, or their achievements. This observation led me to write “Divinely Affirmed & Worthy: A Self-Worth Workbook for Christian Women.” My aim is for women to take a moment to sit with themselves and God, to deeply consider how they view themselves. After all, your self-perception determines not just your self-worth, but also how you show up in the world.

My Worth in the Eyes of God…

I’ve come to realize that my self-worth isn’t rooted in how the world perceives me—be it through my appearance, accomplishments, or material possessions. Instead, my true worth is established by the fact that I am created in the image of God. I am loved and cherished by Him, and this realization empowers me to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

There’s Power in How You See You…

When I see myself through the lens of God’s eyes, I see a woman who is beautiful, intelligent, and capable. This perspective not only boosts my self-esteem but also furnishes me with the confidence to tackle life’s challenges. It’s the bedrock that reassures me I’m never alone, even in the toughest times.

The way we see ourselves influences our interaction with the world. A woman who understands her worth in God is more likely to take risks, face challenges head-on, and strive for her goals. Your self-view dictates your behavior; it’s the inner compass that directs how you treat yourself and engage with others.

Let These Truths Guide You…

If you’re battling how you see yourself, consider meditating on these Bible verses:

– “For you are created in the image of God.” (Genesis 1:27)
– “In Christ, you are complete.” (Colossians 2:10)
– “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)

Now what can you do?

Talking to a trusted person, such as a friend, family member, spiritual leader, or Christian therapist, can help you understand your self-worth. Journaling your true feelings about your self-worth and comparing them with how God sees you can also This can help you to see that God loves and values you unconditionally. No matter what your flaws or mistakes, God sees you as worthy of his love and grace.

Here are some tips for journaling about your self-worth:

  • Be honest with yourself about how you feel.
  • Don’t be afraid to explore your negative thoughts and feelings.
  • Write down what you believe God thinks about you.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of yourself.
  • Be patient with yourself. It takes time to heal and change your mindset.

Your True Measuring Stick

It’s essential to remember that your worth is not determined by external factors like people, places, or situations. God’s truth about you serves as the ultimate measure of your value. So, if you find yourself struggling with self-worth, ask if you’re perhaps looking for validation in the wrong places.

Self-worth is at the core of our being. It shapes our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By seeing ourselves through the eyes of God, we can live life to the fullest, confident in the knowledge that we are loved, valuable, and destined for a purpose.

Grab your journal and let’s reflect…

  1. What aspects of your life have you been allowing to determine your self-worth?
  2. How can adopting God’s perspective on your worthiness change the way you approach life and its challenges?
  3.  Are there steps you can take today to realign your self-view with the image that God has of you?

Remember your self-worth is not measured by external factors. That’s all for now!