
Count-the-CostI have committed to asking myself this question every day when I hesitate to share anything God is using me to manifest, whether it’s information, testimony, revelation, visions, books, poems, products, services, etc. Let’s see what the usual costs are.

  1. Yes, it may cost overcoming fear, rejection, double, shame, insecurities and guilt.
  2. Yes, it may cost uprooting negative seeds planted in your spirit by love ones or those around you who are TOXIC.
  3. Yes, it may cost taking action even though you consistently hear internally “You’ll never amount to anything” or “Who is going to buy that from you” or “Who do you think you are” or “You are stupid, dumb and ugly” or “You are not good enough” or “You are worthless” or “You’re not capable” or “What do you know, you didn’t finish high school” or “Who is going to buy or hire you”  or “Whose going to listen to you because you didn’t go to college.”
  4. Yes, it may cost being transparent so that God can you use to help other be delivered.
  5. Yes, it may cost you getting over your shyness and having a conversation with people.
  6. Yes, it may cost revealing that you have been dealing with depression, addictions, failed relationships, domestic violence, or rape.
  7. Yes, it may cost you taking off that mask so you can really be who God called you to be
  8. Yes, it may cost you losing relationships and friends who do not share or support your opinion or beliefs.
  9. Yes, it may cost getting your feelings hurt and even a few tears.
  10. Yes, it may cost getting over the disappointments you have experienced over the years.
  11. Yes, it may cost forgiving people who have hurt you.

As an Author, Master HIScoach, and Christian Counseling, I can tell you this much….What it won’t cost you is God’s unconditionally love, His assurance that you can trust Him, and He will always be there for you if no one else will.  Lovingly pushing you to manifest, The Vision Manifestation Queen