
During my morning reading, I stumbled upon an interesting Apple News article about Costco closing. Not that Costco is my top shopping spot, but The Hub is a fan. My initial reaction was, “Oh my! First Red Lobster, now Costco?” Naturally, the headline did its job and grabbed my attention. It turns out Costco isn’t closing permanently; they’re shutting down for a day of rest, something they call a “shutter.”

This got me thinking about how we often go full throttle in life, never taking time to rest. In a world that glorifies constant hustle, we forget the importance of pausing to protect ourselves from becoming overwhelmed. Just as a camera shutter protects the sensor from overexposure, taking a rest or a pause protects us from burnout and helps us maintain focus on our God-given vision and personal goals.

The Importance of Protection and Focus

  1. Guarding Against Overwhelm:
    Overexposure can damage a camera sensor, and similarly, constant activity without breaks can overwhelm us. We need to set boundaries and take breaks to protect our mental and emotional well-being. This protection isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a strategy for sustainability.
  2. Maintaining Focus:
    When we’re constantly on the go, it’s easy to lose sight of our goals and purpose. Resting allows us to refocus and realign with our vision. It gives us the clarity needed to pursue our God-given calling effectively.
  3. Spiritual Rejuvenation:
    Even Jesus took time to rest and pray, withdrawing from the crowds to rejuvenate His spirit. Following His example, we should incorporate regular pauses to reconnect with God and recharge spiritually. As it says in Exodus 33:14, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” This verse reminds us that rest is a gift from God, a time to find peace in His presence.

How to Implement Protective Pauses

So, how can we apply this concept of a protective “shutter” to our lives? Here are some practical tips:

  1. Daily Rest:
    Integrate short breaks throughout your day. This could mean stepping away from your desk for a few minutes, practicing deep breathing, or spending a moment in prayer.
  2. Weekly Sabbath:
    Dedicate one day each week to rest and recharge. Use this day to disconnect from work and digital distractions, and engage in activities that nourish your soul.
  3. Periodic Retreats:
    Plan for longer retreats periodically. These could be weekend getaways or even just a day spent in nature, allowing you to disconnect from daily stressors and focus on spiritual growth and reflection.

The Benefits of Rest

Embracing these protective pauses can yield numerous benefits. Regular rest helps prevent burnout, enhances creativity, and boosts productivity. More importantly, it provides the space to connect with God, reflect on His plans for us, and ensure we’re aligned with His purpose.

Final Thoughts

Just as Costco takes a day to shutter for rest, we should also take time to protect ourselves from the constant demands of life. Remember, it’s not about doing less; it’s about doing better, with greater focus and intention. By taking regular pauses, we can guard our mental and emotional well-being and maintain focus on our God-given vision and personal goals.

As a special bonus, I have created a 30 Days of Peace Calendar for Christian coaches to use in their coaching business however they want. This calendar is designed to help you incorporate purposeful pauses into your daily routine, fostering a deeper sense of peace and spiritual connection. Oh yeah You can rebrand and give to your clients.

So, what do you think? How can you incorporate protective pauses into your life? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!