
Transformational Course Creation 5 Week Bootcamp


Having digital courses is a great way to create passive income. After you create it, there is not much you need to do other than to promote and sell it. But not just any type of coarse but of course that will transform individuals lives. Just throwing up content is not the way. People can ask Mr. Google almost anything and find the answers.


This boot camp is a “Get It Done” type boot camp.  We will be focusing on 4 Areas:

  1. Plan It!
  2. Create It!
  3. Get It Online!
  4. Promote It!

Yes, this boot camp has great content. It also focuses on presenting the content in a way that is doable and that you can take action on.  This boot camp has 2 major components that I believe is one of the biggest reasons why most coaches haven’t seen their digital course come to fruition, ACCOUNTABILITY and TECHNICAL assistance.

If you are looking for:

  1. Actionable, step-by-step instructions
  2. Accountability
  3. Technical support
  4. Mindset Support

If you need the above, have not created or put your course online, this boot camp will work great for you!

Each week you will receive video (live and in training platform) with step-by-step instructions, take action steps to focus on for the week, interaction and engagement in a private Facebook group, and weekly mental and emotional support (if needed of course) from Nanette.

This boot camp is limited to 7 people. SPECIAL price ends on 12/22. Let’s get that course up and running shall WE.

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One of the ways to increase revenue in your Christian coaching business is to create digital courses. According to iMod Education, it is predicted that 50% of courses will be delivered online. Can you believe that 5.8 million students enrolled in online courses? Wow!Having digital courses is a great way to create passive income.  After you create it, there is not much you need to do than to promote and sell it.

This boot camp is limited to 7 people. SPECIAL price ends on 12/22. Let’s get that course up and running shall WE.