Hey there! I’ve been questioning this “Know your Why” concept for a while now. I know the “why” behind my going as hard as I do (with balance, of course). Yet, I still procrastinate sometimes. I still have some fears. I still encounter vision blockers that temporarily block my road to vision manifestation. Let me be the first to tell you that I believe the reason I do what I do is heartfelt and runs deep.
You’ve probably heard sayings like “Your ‘why’ is your purpose” and “When your ‘why’ is clear, your ‘how’ is easy.” These popular quotes echo the sentiment that knowing your ‘why’ is a compass guiding you through life’s challenges. “He who has a why can endure any how,” as Friedrich Nietzsche famously said, suggesting that a strong enough ‘why’ can help us overcome almost any challenge.
I believe “know your why” has become almost clichéish. But if finding our ‘why’ was the sole answer, wouldn’t we naturally be pressing and pushing through vision blockers with ease?” I’m not talking to individuals who never encounter vision blockers (the superhumans 😉 ).
Do you ever wonder ‘why’ you still let vision blockers stop you in your tracks? It really makes you think, doesn’t it? I honestly believe we’re missing something important in this whole equation. Maybe, the real challenge isn’t just knowing our ‘why’, but in making it strong enough to break through the walls of fear, doubt, and procrastination. It’s about transforming our ‘why’ into a forceful tool. Picture it like a sledgehammer – not just any tool, but one as strong as David’s sling against Goliath. Small yet mighty, this sledgehammer can smash right through the barriers that vision blockers put in our path to achieving our goals.
This realization leads to a deeper introspection: Are we nurturing our ‘why’ with the right mindset, actions, and faith, as David did with his unwavering belief in God (1 Samuel 17)? Are we equipping it with the resilience to withstand and shatter the walls of hesitation and self-doubt? It’s time we evaluate not just the depth of our ‘why’, but also its strength and our commitment to it.
What’s Blocking the View?
Lots of us have our “why” all figured out, but then we hit roadblocks. Again, I call these “vision blockers” – fears, doubts, and stuff that cloud our path. They’re sneaky, like weeds in a garden, hiding the path to our goals.
Faith and Action – The Dynamic Duo
Here’s where I believe faith plays a pivotal role. It goes beyond mere belief in God – it’s about actively trusting in His plan and aligning our actions with this trust. As the Bible says, “Faith without works is dead.” So, knowing your “why” is cool, but it’s got to lead to action that’s rooted in faith.
How to Get Moving
What to do about all this? Start by really thinking about your “why.” Does it feel true to who you are? Then, spot those vision blockers. What’s holding you back? Finally, it’s time to act. Take steps that match your faith and your “why.”
So, wrapping this up: knowing your “why” is a great first step, but there’s more to the journey. It’s about really believing in that “why,” understanding what’s beneath it, tackling the things that block your view, and then – the big one – taking action. Your “why” is a powerful tool, but its true potential is only unlocked through action.
A powerful ‘why’ is more than a reason; it serves as a spark for action, a light that guides us through dark tunnels of uncertainty, and a battering ram against the walls that seek to confine our dreams. As Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” let’s find strength in our faith to empower our ‘why’. So, let’s ask ourselves again, “Is our ‘why’ strong enough to break down the vision blockers?”
Let me hear your thoughts.
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